Home > Valentina Loretelli Valentina Loretelli
The work of Valentina Loretelli is a crossroads between photography, narrative art and collage. An expressive technique that testifies how her research acts in a borderland, a place where issues are ceaselessly open, breeding ground for creativity.
We find ourselves witnessing the mise-en-scene of reality, manipulated with the precise scope of leading the viewer to reflect on the representation of facts: the plausible yet distorted perception that we sometimes have makes them real or illusory?
cm 35x50printing cm 24x48 on paper Hahnemule Baryta... -
cm 35x50printing cm 24x48 on paper Hahnemule Baryta... -
cm 35x50printing cm 24x48 on paper Hahnemule Baryta...
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